November Already?

Well, it's been a wild and woolly couple of weeks, hasn't it? With 31 Days of Make Believe now at an end, Breast Cancer Awareness Month having wrapped up, and several other major events of note (like that little thing called the US Presidential Election), my brain has certainly been swhirling over the past couple of weeks.

So, I figured a quick recap and then a look ahead would do (mostly) me some good and - who knows - maybe you're interested to.

October was awesome with all the 31 Days of Make Believe Stuff happening. You can still vote for your favorite post by leaving a comment. You can vote for more than one, too. Voting closes on November 11, 2008.

Did you hear I was on a radio show? That's right. Christie Crowder interviewed me for her inaugural radio show. You can still listen to it and hear about all the fun stuff that Christie and I chatted about. Plus, her show happens every week so you can listen online to what she has going on!

I was also featured on my friend Mary's blog, Everyday Baby Steps and Kristen Andrews also did a little piece about me. How popular do I feel??

So onto November - it's National Novel Writing Month! AKA NaNoWriMo. Have you signed up? I have for the past three years and I'm yet to actually write a novel during the month of November. I'm determined to do it this year! But we'll see how that actually turns out.

For some reason in the past couple of weeks, I've really felt the creative juices flowing. I can't fully explain it except to say that I feel there is going to be a creative explosion before too long. I'm not sure what form it will be in or what exactly this will entail, but I feel something is coming. Something big...

Well kids, I'm in Toronto this week on some business. I'll be back in Ohio shortly and I'll be sure to keep you updated on all the crazy activity that is sure to follow.


Bloggers Unite Day: Refugees


31 Days of Make Believe: Meet Anne, Day 31