Oh Yeah, I've Been Doing a Happiness Project...

I pulled out my Happiness Notebook the other day and realized I've made no entries in it since February.Um, whoops?

Even though I haven't been chronicling it like I wanted to, it has been on my mind a lot. If I ever needed a Happiness Project, it's this year, right? So I sat down with my notebook over the weekend and started writing some things down. I wrote down goals and blog post ideas. I re-read the initial goals I set for myself and crossed out the ones that didn't make sense anymore. I reorganized, prioritized and asked myself "Will this REALLY make me happy or did I feel obligated to write this down?"

It felt good, to say the least.

August originally was supposed to be focused on laughter. I couldn't think of a better time to re-focus on that than now. Laughing has become easier to do and I am now to the point where I am actively seeking out ways to laugh. Whether that be with others or by myself. Because I've heard rumors that laughter is the best medicine. So far, so good...


#30DaysofGood: A Positive Challenge


August 17: Words of Wisdom Wednesday