A Lighter Soul: The Podcast, Episode 8 - Julie Parmar

I hope that you are enjoying this binge listening event! Sharing these stories is so important to me and I absolutely love the feedback I’ve been getting on them. If you have a comment or feedback, you can post it on our Facebook page or DM us on Instagram @aLighterSoul

Today, we are continuing with this special series of conversations with several of the authors of Women In Business: Leading the Way, a book that features 15 stories of incredible women business owners. All of these women have had to overcome something and even though they all have being a business owner in common, their stories are all so unique and amazing.

Today’s guest is Julie Parmar. How often have you gone to the store or looked for something online and you couldn’t find just the right thing? Julie had that experience. She wanted to find a gummy vitamin that was vegetarian friendly for her daughters to eat but she couldn’t find them. So, she did what so many resilient women do - she made her own.

Listen in as Julie and I talk about starting her business, dealing with the complexities of creating and launching a brand new product and taking care of her family at the same time. 

You can learn more about Julie’s product on Instagram at @VegNaturals and on Facebook at Vegetarian Naturals. That’s enough from me right now, let’s get into my conversation with Julie Parmar. 

Today's guest is Julie Parmar. How often have you gone to the store or looked for something online and you couldn't find just the right thing? Julie had that experience. She wanted to find a gummy vitamin that was vegetarian friendly for her daughters to eat but she couldn't find them.


A Lighter Soul: The Podcast, Episode 9 - Bonni Shevin-Sandy


A Lighter Soul: The Podcast, Episode 7 - April Davis